Registration Fees
The payment amount is for each paper. No matter how many co-authors.
Το τέλος εγγραφής για τους Έλληνες συμμετέχοντες είναι 80 ευρώ για συναδέλφους µε μόνιμη εργασιακή απασχόληση και 50 ευρώ για συναδέλφους που είναι νέοι εργαζόμενοι, προσωρινά απασχολούμενοι, υπ. διδάκτορες ή ερευνητές, αμειβόμενοι µε δελτίο παροχής υπηρεσιών ή συμβάσεις έργου, άνεργοι κλπ.
Οι Έλληνες συμμετέχοντες θα πρέπει να εγγραφούν στο Συνέδριο μέσω της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Πολιτικής Οικονομίας
(διεθνές-συνέδριο-icopec-2018/) στέλνοντας την πρόταση εισήγησης στο .
Registration Types & Fees
Registration fee does not include accommodation and airport transfers.
At least one author should register the conference and present the study for the studies with multiple authors. Registration fee provides the following services only for one author. If the co-authors want to benefit from these services, they should register the conference as “co-author” and pay 30 euro.
Registration fee covers the conference materials, such as, abstract and proceeding e-book with ISBN, participation certificate, participation to all sessions, refreshment during the coffee breaks, and the right to take part in three to four edited international e-books* that will be published in December 2018 by IJOPEC Publication** ( with ISBN.
Registration fee includes only submission and presentation of one paper regardless of it is in person or virtual. The second paper is 50% discounted, provided that the first author is the same person.
One author and co-author can participate in the Conference with a maximum of two papers.
You will receive an acceptance letter within 6 days after submission based on your abstract (between 80 and 120 words) or full paper (between 2500 and 3500 words). You will receive the receipt and an invitation letter upon the payment.
An earlier payment will be helpful for you to make an efficient travel planning.
*Participants of ICOPEC will have a privilege to publish their revised and peer-reviewed papers as international e-book chapters free of charge in December 2018 by IJOPEC Publication, provided that the papers satisfy the referees.
** IJOPEC Publication e-books confirm the Turkish Higher Education Council requirements for the International books and satisfy the associate professorship criteria. They can also be used for the incentive schemes.
A full refund will be given for cancellations received until August 5, 2018. Cancellation fee is 50 euro. No refund will be given for cancellations received after August 5, 2018.
All participants, paper presenters or observers, should register to ICOPEC 2018 by August 5th, 2018 (the deadline for late registration). In order to register to ICOPEC 2018, please;
- Complete the ICOPEC 2018 Registration Form ( online
- Pay the Registration Fee of ICOPEC 2018, and If you will pay it at the registration desk, please do not forget to inform Prof. Dr. İsmail Şiriner ( or Prof. Dr. M. Mustafa Erdoğdu ( beforehand, otherwise you will be dropped out of the conference program.
- Early Bird registration fee for non-employed persons is 100 EURO.
- If you will pay in Turkish Lira, please use Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey’s EURO selling rate for TL payments on the payment day.
- There will be no discount for the students and research assistants after early bird registration day. Credit cards are not accepted.
Account Name: İsmail Şiriner
Bank Name: QNB Finansbank
Branch Name: Enpara
Branch Code: 03663
Account Type: Euro
Account No: 53463468
IBAN: TR58 0011 1000 0000 0076 7400 44
Account Name: İsmail Şiriner
Bank Name: QNB Finansbank
Branch Name: Enpara
Branch Code: 03663
Account Type: Turkish Lira
Account No:76424570
IBAN: TR92 0011 1000 0000 0076 4245 70