INVITED SPEAKERS 2017-05-28T13:44:51+00:00

Invited Speakers

Atilla Göktürk

Dokuz Eylül University

Ben Fine

(to be confirmed)
SOAS University of London, UK

Dibyesh Anand

University of westmintser

Erol Taymaz

(to be confirmed)
METU, Turkey

Farhang Morady

University of Westminster, UK

Fikret Şenses

(to be confirmed)
METU, Turkey

Friederick Nixson

Manchester University, UK

Galip Yalman

(to be confirmed)
METU, Turkey

Jeffrey Henderson

(to be confirmed)
University of Bristol, UK

Joachim Becker

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

John Thoburn

(to be confirmed)
University of East Anglia, UK

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

(to be confirmed)
Coordinator for Economic and Social Development at the FAO, Italy

Ha-Joon Chang

(to be confirmed)
University of Cambridge, UK

Hun Joo Park

KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea

Kaoru Natsuda

(to be confirmed)
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Mick Moore

(to be confirmed)
University of Sussex, UK

Milenko Popovic

(to be confirmed)
Mediterranean University, Montenegro

Murat Yülek

(to be confirmed)
Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey

Nazım Kadri Ekinci

(to be confirmed)
Harran University

Oktar Türel

(to be confirmed)
METU, Turkey

Salvatore Capasso

University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

Thankom Gopinath Arun

(to be confirmed)
University of Essex, UK

Vito Tanzi

(to be confirmed)
Honorary President of the International Institute of Public Finance

Ziya Öniş

(to be confirmed)
Koç University, Turkey

Yılmaz Kılıçaslan

Anadolu University, Turkey