“Logic” of Our Age: The Individual and Society in the Market’s Grasp

23-24 October 2013, Kocaeli / Turkey

International Political Economy Conference series began with the theme “Adam Smith Today” in 2009, which was followed by“Crisis and Development” in 2010, “Labour Markets and Employment” in 2011, and “Flexibility” in 2012. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Central Bank of Turkey, Isbank, Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, GreatestMunicipality of Kocaeli, Uni- ted Metal Workers’ Union, Union of Petroleum Chemical and Rubber Workers of Turkey, TurkeyCooperatives, Commerce and Office Workers’ Union, Turkey’s Hotel, Restaurant and Entertainment Workers’ Trade Union, Union of Cement, Glass, Earthen-ware and Ceramic Industry Workers, Union of Tobacco, Alcoholic Beverage, Food and RelatedIndustry Workers of Turkey and Public Services International (PSI) provided financial support.

The fifth conference will be held in Kocaeli on 23-24 October 2013 and the theme has been determined as “‘Logic’ of Our Age: TheIndividual and Society in the Market’s Grasp”. The conference will be co-organized by Kocaeli University (Turkey), University of Westminster (England), Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), Institute for Economic & Social Research of Piedmont(IRES, Italy), Ostrava Technical University (Czech Republic), Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Lima, Peru) and supported by Turkish Social Sciences Association, The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources (ISGUC.ORG), Work & Society Journal, International Journal of Politics & Economics (England), Research in Political Economy (USA), Academia Social Sciences Index (ASOS Index) and IJOPEC Publishing (London – Istanbul)

This year’s conference aims to revisit neoliberalism as a discourse by focusing on the new mindset it has created to understand the world in the last few decades. During this process, while resource allocation has been left to the market dynamics, on the basis of the idea of efficiency, social preferences have been shaped by the supply-demand mechanism rather than by politics. The rightist mind, which has always been skeptical of reason, used to consider traditions; now the New Right relies merely on the market. While a sense of solidarity has been abandoned even in the basic realms of life, decision-making mechanisms have been increasingly based upon market logic. Though it is open to all areas of investigation, the focal point of the conference will be to explore the logic of the New Right in all realms of society. Rather than discussing neoliberalism within the limits of debates related to governmentality, hegemony, and ideology, and only in terms of economics, this conference intends to generate ground through which the new mindset of the neoliberal age is explored as the driving force in the overall transformation of the individual and society. The new mentality has been ingrained in the individual and society so deeply that it needs to be deciphered and discussed within all possible paths.

Other related topics and session proposals are welcomed as they would enrich the conference and expand the ground for further discussion. The language of the conference will be both Turkish and English. Abstracts and session proposals should be around300 words, in Word format and 12 fonts, including the paper title, the name(s), and full address (mail address, affiliated institution, e-mail, phone, and fax) of the author(s), the purpose and the method of the work, expected results and suggestions, be submitted by September 1st, 2013, electronically submit to www.icopec. org/submit.html. Detailed information regarding the conference can be reached at www.icopec.org

The presentations are expected to cover, but not limited to, the following issues:


New financial architecture Financial globalization

Capital Markets and the new order Crisis and deregulation

New economy

Political Economy of Capital Flows Transformation of Capital Accumulation Models Neoliberal Economic Policies

Changes and Transformation in Economic Policies Neoliberalism and Crisis

Macroeconomics and Globalization “New” Economics


The Commodification of Nature Reason, Religion and Philosophy

Logic of education/discipline through unemployment/ job insecurity Rise of market morality

Market as a source of justice Postmodern “new conservatism” New forms of authoritarianism

New right ways of thinking for religious modernization Contemporary ways of constructing legitimacy

Political decision-making under the market domination Anti-Politics and Lack of interest in politics

New Legal Regulations and Urban Transformation Market Structure the Protection of Urban Historical / Cultural Heritage Urban Social Justice, Rights of the Others in the City

Urban Opposition and Participation

Globalization and Global Urban / Cities in the Global-Local Relations Reconstruction of Urban Identity and Memory

Environment and Development in the Sustainability Paradigm

Public interest and public services under the market domination


Market-society tension and conservative social policy Marketization of social insurance and social security Marketization of labour relations

Flexible employment and unemployment Practices of subcontracting and outsourcing

Transformation of social security: from social solidarity to Individualization Market, competition and Union rights

Marketization of workers’ health and safety at work Old and new actors within the politics of social welfare

Rethinking the state, market, family and the third sector Social assistance policies and practices

New social risks and social exclusion

Changing dynamics of solidarity and collective social movements The New Right, poverty and social protection

Conservatism, women’s employment and the role of the state Rethinking migration through the new dynamics of the market New dimensions in discrimination

Labour law as an instrument of the market


The Previous Eastern Block, new markets Arab spring

Crimes against humanity War crimes

Hegemony: International relations and international law

Women, society and power