If Globalism is Dead—Long Live What?
25-28 June 2019, Istanbul / Turkey
The Main Theme and Scope of the Conference
Globalization is characterized by a systemic interconnection in which what happens in one country affects all other members of the system. It is above all an economic process of interaction and integration, linked to social and cultural aspects. Until recently, it has been generally assumed that increasing the free flow of goods and services would lead to economic growth conducive to prosperity and peace, which would provide political support for increased economic integration. In developing countries, many see globalization as a positive force to free them from poverty.
Philosophical differences in the costs and benefits of globalization lead to a wide range of ideologies and social movements. Opponents of globalization argue that there is an inequality of power and respect in international trade between developed and underdeveloped countries. Criticism of globalization is usually based on discussions about the impact of such processes on the planet and the people. Others point out that, although globalization has led to the expansion of Western-style democracy, it has been accompanied by rising tensions, inequalities, illiberal politics, inter-ethnic violence, refugee crises, and the crisis of global governance.
History has shown that globalization is not linear and can be reversed. In recent years, reactions against international cooperation have intensified, fueled by populist political leaders in many countries and citizens are less willing to let the market dictate. A collection of emotions (doubt, anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, and insecurity) that momentarily animates economic protectionism and identity politics across the globe. It is clear that at least a certain type of globalization is losing ground: the kind of globalization we have seen since the end of the 1970s. At the same time, cross-border exchanges of ideas are developing as never before. The development of digital technologies allows us to share information and ideas with unprecedented speed and unprecedented ease, which is like a double-edged sword that can be positive, negative, or both in its impact. Therefore, the main question this conference seeks an answer to is whether globalism is dead or just on pause: It aims at examining the deeper-level root causes of the political economy problems of the world today, exploring and deliberating on the pressing question of what can be done about them.
Apart from its main theme, the ICOPEC 2019 also invites and welcomes all contributions that enrich the perspectives of Political Economy and expand the ground for better policy analyses and making. Indicatively, proposed papers may touch upon the following issues:
Global Economy and the 4th Industrial Revolution
The End of Postwar Order?
Political Economy of Globalization Discourse: Divergence or Convergence?
The Rise of Protectionism and the Future of International Trading System
End of Liberalism or Globalism?
Current Controversies in Macroeconomics
Trends and Challenges in Contemporary Economic Policy
Neoliberalism and the New Macroeconomic Consensus
Heterodox Economic Policies
BRICS, the Newly Emerging Economies and the World Economy
New Dual Economy: What is It and What to Do about It
Strange Re-occurrence of Dual Economy in Developed Countries
Financialization of Capitalism
Political Economy of Money and Finance
The Future of Global Economy in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Impact of Transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Ecosystem
The Impact of Transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Efficiency and Competitiveness
The Future of Work in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Production and Labour Relations in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Foreign Direct Investment in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Society and Politics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Education
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Healthcare
Global Crisis, Local Voices
Politics of Inequality and Income Distribution
Inequalities across and within Individual Countries
Political Economy Spillovers from Brexit and Other Political Shocks
Political Economy of European Integration and Others
The Crisis of Economics and the Economics of Crisis
Economic and Financial Vulnerabilities of Developing Countries
Poverty Alleviation, Inclusive Growth, and Sustainable Development
Theories and Analyses of Economic Crisis
Volatility and Contagion in Financial Markets
Sovereign and Private Debt Crises
Banks and Financial Markets in Times of Uncertainty
Financial Intermediation and Financial Architecture
International Organizations and Crises (IMF, WB, WHO, UNHCR, UN etc.)
Monetary Policy Governance and Macro-prudential Issues
Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions
IMF and Structural Adjustment Programmes
Migration, Migration Policies, Demography, and Gender
Refugee, Immigrant, and Minority Issues
Globalization and Migration
Regional Shocks and Migration Flows
Cross-Border Migration, National Identity, and Nation-State Interactions
Immigration, Health, and Happiness
Labour Migration and Migrant Workers
Forced Migration
Inequalities in Earnings and Employment
Race, Class, and Gender
Conflict, War, and Gender
Gender, Aspirations, and Performance
Political Representation and Public Leadership of Women
Gender-Based Violence
Gender Empowerment and Religion
Gender Norms and Differences in Behaviour in the post-#MeToo Era
Child and Forced Marriages
Aging and Intergenerational Relations
Demographic Economics
Population Dynamics
Big Data and Population Processes
Demographic Dividends and Economic Development
Social Pensions: Implementation and Impacts on Old and Young
Public Economics, Public Finance, and Public Management
Global Public Goods
Market Failure and Government Failure
Liberalization, Privatization, and De-Regulation
Crowding-in and Crowding-out
Positive and Negative Externalities
Public Goods and Public Bads
Market-Society Tension and Social Policy
From Minimal to Regulatory State
Institutional Change, Governance and New Public Management
Fiscal Rules and Constitutional Economics
Shadow Economy and Corruption
Fiscal Institutions, Taxation, and Economic Development
International Tax Competition and Its Effects on Development
Tax Non-Compliance and Under-Investment in Public Goods
The Interplay between Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy
Public-Private Partnership and Development
Economic Development and Sustainability
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Development
Institutional Quality, Administrative Capacity, and Development
Late Development and Developmental State-Building, and Its Critics
Trade and Industrial Policy for Development
Static vs Dynamic Comparative Advantage
Global Value Chains and Transnational Corporations
Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies for Development
R&D, Technological Capability Building, and Development
Diffusion of Technology and Development
Social Conflicts, Social Movements, and Development
Rent-Seeking, Corruption, and Development
Shared Economy and Inclusive Development
Sustainable Development
Global Warming and Environment
Renewable Energies
Green Buildings
Challenges to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Labour Economics
Productivity, Shocks, and Labour Adjustment
Commodification of Labour Relations
Labour Movement and Trade Unions
Minimum Wage Impacts: Going Beyond Employment Effects
Flexible Employment and Unemployment
Labour Market and Employment Generation
College Admissions, Supply of Skills, and Mismatch
Job Types and Wage Growth
Policy Alternatives for Improving Female Labour Force Participation and Career Choices
Labour Market Discrimination and Gender Wage Gaps
Wage Determinants and Dynamics
Business Management
Crisis Management and Risk Management
Business Policies, Strategies, and Performance
Manufacturing: Strategy, Technology, and Organization
International Business and Supply Chain Management
Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring
Lean Production and Total Quality Management
Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Retention Strategies
The Emergence and Growth of Non-Bank Payment Systems
Inclusive Business Models, and Social Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Business, Production, and Consumption
Information and Communication Technology Management and E-Business
New Entrepreneurship Dimensions (Sharing Economy, Freelancing, Self-Employment)
Empirical Analysis for Political Economy Issues
Operational Research
Big Data and Machine Learning