15-17 September 2011, Kocaeli / Turkey
The third of the lnternational Political Economy Conference series will be co-organized by Kocaeli University (Turkey), University of Westminster(England), Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), lnstitute for Economic & Social Research of Piedmont (IRES, ltaly), and supported byTurkish Social Sciences Association, Kocaeli Chamber of lndustry, Social Research Foundation, Petroleum, Chemical, Rubber Workers Union ofTurkey (PETROL-IS), The Journal of lndustrial Relations and Human Resources (ISGUC.ORG),Work & Society Journal, lnternational Journal ofPolitics & Economics (England), Akademia Social Sciences lndex (ASOS lndex) and IJOPEC Publishing (Landon – lstanbul). Considering the post-developments of 2008 crisis, the main theme of the conference has been determined as “Labor Markets and Employment”. The conference will beheld in Kocaeli on 15-17 September2011.
This conference aims to generate a ground through which political, social, global, and systematical aspects of labor markets and politicaleconomy of employment and unemployment can be discussed. Considering the2008 economic crisis and the massive unemployment rates in allover the world and the discussions on getting back to pre-crisis level of employment, the policies for generating employment for the masses willbe discussed. The increase in informal and irregular employment and their economic and social impacts on labor markets and on labor ingeneral will be discussed in terms of globalization, new technologies, the structure of labor market economic growth and development.
One of the main intentions of this conference is to consider labor markets and employment in relation with the process of changes in economicpolicies. Moreover, the dynamics of labor markets and employment, which range from banking sector to industry, from the use of technology toflexible labor organizations, from export-based growth strategies to economically dependent relations are hoped to be discussed. Possiblesubthemes are listed below; however, the conference is open to other subthemes and suggestions that are related to political economy.
Crisis, Labor Markets and Employment
Segmentation and Social lnequalities
Labor contracts, Globalization and Crises
Globalization, Labor Markets and Unemployment
lnformal Sectors / lnformalization
Vocational training
Micro Credits and Employment
Labor Markets and Discrimination
Union Organization and Globalization
Globalization and Unemployment
Trade Unions and Globalization
Re-Structuring the Labor Markets
Migration, MigrantWorkers and Labor Markets
Unemployment coverage and supports
Entrepreneurship and Employment
White CollarWorkers and the problems of organization
lnternational Competition and Labor Markets
Work Quality and the Debate on the Economy of Happiness
Growth and lnvestment
lnnovation and Labor Markets
Job Search and Active Employment Policies
Unemployment among the Educated
New Technologies, Labor Markets and Employment
Women’s and Youth’s Unemployment, and Employment
Capitalism and the Future of Labor Markets
lnternational Division of Labor & Employment
Active Labor Markets and Employment
Unemployment and its Effects
Faith-based Business
Other related topics and session proposals are welcomed as they would enrich the conference and expand the ground for further discussion. The language of the conference will be both Turkish and English. The papers presented at the Conference will have the chance to be published in and Work & Society, after going through the reviewing processes of these journals. in addition, Turkish Social Science Association, Social Research Foundation and IJOPEC Publishing (England) plan to publish the conference papers as an edited book, in English and/or Turkish.
Abstracts and session proposals should be around 300 words, in Word format and 12 fonts, including the paper title, the name(s) and full address (address, affiliated institution, e-mail, phone and fax) of the author(s), the purpose and the method of the work, expected results and suggestions, be submitted by July 14th, 2011, electronically to bilgi@icopec.org, or uploaded through www.icopec.org/tr/basvuru.html.