16-18 September 2010, Kocaeli Turkey
The second Conference on Political Economy will be organized by Kocaeli University (Turkey), Westminster University (England) and Silesian University (Czech Republic) on 16-18 September 2010, in Kocaeli. The main theme of the second conference has been determined as “Crisis and Development.” In conference that supported as academically by Social Research Foundation (SAV)and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Türkiye) and as financial by Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KSO) is intended to address the political economy of crisis and development through all of the political, social, global, and systematical dimensions of crisis and development.
Instead of analyzing the social reality of crisis and development within a limited scope, in other words only through monetary/financial factors or growth variables, this conference aims to generate a ground through which all aspects of the political economy of crisis and development can be discussed. Approaching crisis and development within a historical perspective and the process of change seems necessary in order to fully understand crisis and grasp the reproduction mechanisms of the economic systems. In this context, the conference will explore the dynamics of the courses of the current crisis, stability, development and growth. These dynamics extend from banking to industry, from technology applications to flexible labor organization, from export-led growth strategies to relations of economic dependency. The assessment of these processes at both academic/theoretical and political/hegemonic/ideological levels is among the priorities of this conference. In this context, all aspects of the concepts/politics of crisis and development are intended to be explored at the second International Conference on Political Economy. The proposed papers are expected to be related to the following topics, in terms of the general theme of the conference,
Crisis and Development:
Crisis & Social Consequences
Crisis, Unemployment & Employment Development & Underdevelopment Welfare State & Its Failure
Growth & Development Crisis & Growth Gender & Development Gender & Crisis
The Rhetorics of Crisis & Development Development Theories
Neo-liberalism & Development Policies Crisis & Corruption
The Crisis of Economics & Economic Crisis Crisis & Structural Reforms
Crisis & Development in the Methodology of Economics Crisis & Change/Transformation in the Economic Policy
Other related topics and session proposals are welcomed as they would enrich the conferen- ce and expand the ground for further discussion. The language of the conference will be both Turkish and English.
The papers presented at the Conference will have the chance to be published in International Journal of Politics and Economics, Research in Political Economy, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, after going through the reviewing processes of these journals. In addition, Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı (Social Research Foundation) plans to publish the conference papers as an edited book, both in English and Turkish.
Abstracts and session proposals should be around 300 words, in Microsoft Word format, 12 fonts, including the title of the paper, the name(s) and full address(es) (mail address, affiliated institution, e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers) of the author(s), the purpose and the method of the work, expected results and suggestions. Abstracts must be submitted by August 1st, 2010, electronically to bilgi@icopec.org, or uploaded through www.icopec.org/basvuru.html
Full papers that to be published as an edited book entitled “Crisis & Development” by Yön Ya- yınları (Turkey), Social Research Foundation (Turkey) or Silesian University Puplications (Czech Republic) must be submitted by October 16th 2010.